My Advenures Toward Teaching!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Comments on Group #3

I really enjoyed this group's presentation because there were so many things and ideas that were discussed to go along with the ideas of Social Injustice. The first day's activity with the advertisements brought out the idea of working with everyday objects we don't really put much thought into, and the activity with the Disney films and the story book helped to bring out ideas with things we've always known but never really second guessed. There's a lot of different ways to approach Social Injustice, and the writing about it, and this group did a great job with just beginning to approach the many ideas that can easily flow from this subject. Creatively, I found this group to be working from any and all aspects of creativity. They used all of our senses in the projects we were involved in, and they kept us involved all the way through. With every exercise presented, there was something to go along with it. There was nothing left hanging and every issue was discussed. I really enjoyed this group's efforts toward putting forth the many thoughts and theories of social injustice. Not only were racial topics approached, but self-esteem, history, entertainment and media, as well as personal issues in society as well. I was surprised with how much was able to be fit into such a short period of time too, and it helped to show how easy it can be to approach social issues and the many ways it impacts all of our lives. From childhood to adulthood, we can see the stereotypes we've discussed, the differences throughout the years and the differences throughout the many societies in the world as well.

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