My Advenures Toward Teaching!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Picture Perfect with a Sense of Creation

It feels so lonely here, this tunnel of frozen hearts. The trees have captured time in the iced flesh of each branch and each twig, and leaf. I look around to see that there is yet one leaf still hanging from the branches already duried in the cold white. The snow falls gently upon the crystal leaf, graceully frozen in time. Walking farther down the tunnel, I find myself being captured in this blank canvas. I am painting my own picture with my pink scarf, and pink wool hat. A flake of snow falls upon my pink glove, and I stare into its tiny abyss. This world of shapes and sizes melting on my fingertips, and I glance around to find these shapes and sizes melting in this tunnel of lonesome emptiness. It's cold, and no one is here. These trees have found a place in my heart, and I am anxious to see them liven in the brightness of sunshine, with the white drying quick. But, this white is how I will always remember these trees. Frozen in a movement, in a time, and in a lonesome call for companionship.


Why do stars shine?

The reason that stars shine is because of the cool winds reaching space, the life that lives in the skies, and the light in every soul's eyes. The reason that stars shine is because every soul that passes on earth is blown by the winds of rain and sorrow toward the heavens visible on earth. Each star is a set of eyes watching over the loved ones they've left behind. The light in their soul and the love that they share gives them the brightness they need to see us all in the daylight and the night. At night, we find ourselves more vulnerable here on earth. We seem to let ourselves go at night, and that is when the eyes of those we miss come searching for us. Of course, there are those lost souls that feel as if they have no one to watch over, and so they form themselves into a different star, a shooting star. With every shooting star is a soul still searching for someone to love, and someone to love them back. They are lost, but they run forever from that great sense of loneliness toward a search of fullfillment. The Sun however, the largest and brightest star of them all, is the place where each soul retreats to once they are reunited with the loves they've left behind. That is the reason the Sun is so bright, so bright that eyes on earth cannot look directly at it, because the love the forms the Sun is too bright for the hearts on earth to imagine. So, just remember to search for your loved ones in the stars each night, for they look for you and watch for your happiness. And, in the twilight shining down, if you find a star winking ever so slightly at you, know that it is someone you love loving you back.

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