My Advenures Toward Teaching!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Fire Write!!!!!...with a Free Write.

I recently recieved an email from my Mom about this forward that some woman had been sending around discussing a stamp that is coming out. It is a stamp that supposedly says Merry Christmas in Arabic (I have to go an translate it still to make sure), and this woman was completely angered that America would come out with a stamp like that because of "everything the Muslims have done to this country and our people and everyone in the world." This email angered me to no end. I ended up sending a reply to my Mom about this email and we talked about it later. But, I would like to make aware that one of the reasons this really upset me so much is the fact that I am part Lebanese, aka part Arab. Ever since 9/11, I've come to know what racism really means, and that's something I've never personally experienced before that event. The kind of hatred that people spawn from individual actions is what has ruined this world, and that is what I truly belief. Below is what I replied to my mother.

"I absolutely despise this forward.

It was not the entire Muslim community that attacked America and American troops, and nor was it the entire American community that attacked the Arab countries! It was the FANATICAL MUSLIM JIHAD TERRORISTS that attacked this country and its people. A select group. NOT the entirety of a nation or believe system. This is what is wrong with this world today. Spreading around that because one group of people does something bad or horrible, then the entire race is bad and horrible. That's what spawns RACISM!

Yes, it matters what these FANATICS did to us. But, how does it make it any better if we go overseas simply to attack their civilians too?! It doesn't. Period. All it does is cause more problems and nothing gets solved because these FANATICS get even more angry, and it's not the FANATICS that we end up killing because we spend too much time trying to instill our own way of life on people who believe in completely different things than we do.

These kind of emails just upset me. It's pure ignorance on humanities' part as a whole because we allow these things to happen with our own people. And, when I say our own people, I mean it as the entire world! We are all human, all flesh and blood, all hearts and why do we have to be so different?

ARGH! People can really suck sometimes!

I Love You Mumma! I kind of want to try and see what the stamp actually says, but it really doesn't matter that much to me. Everything I said above is what matters. Just because something might be written in a different language shouldn't make it offensive. IT'S A UNIFIER!!!! DUH PEOPLE!!!

Frickin' Feliz Navidad Jerks!"

"A Poem of Apathy"

Why are we different colors
in a world so black and white?
Why is there so much anger
in a world where we all must fight?
Why do we hate one another
to the ends of the earth and back,
when from the ends of the earth and back
no one wishes to suffer these great attacks?

In a world of black and white
there's simply too much grey.
In this world of black and white
that grey will never go away.
Opinions matter, and hope makes sense,
but hope has been lost in nonsensical opinions.
All hearts have dwindled to a Grinch sized beat,
and the hearts who still care have no voice in the Sun.


Matt Mileski said...

I find this very funny because Arabic is the language Jesus most likely spoke to his friends. Moreso, there is a branch of the Catholic Church which has its liturgy completely in Arabic. They have done this since their founding by Peter back in the first century A.D.

As for the Muslim community, I agree with you that it was an isolated group that made the attack. That's what I consider one of the most dangerous aspects of Islam, that they have no official figurehead. There is no one to come down and condemn the actions. The community itself can send a statement, but the buck is always passed.

And on a lighter note, seriously, stamps cause this much of an outrage? Stamps. Stamps.........geez

Shannon said...

I have to agree with Matt here. It does seem a bit ironic. I appreciate your passion in writing about this topic, and I felt myself aligning with your beliefs and your outrage.

I often find myself the recipient of some ridiculous conservative email forwards--often from my future in-laws. They generally outrage me with their "pat" rhymes and sentimentalism. It's great that you began a conversation about this email.

Keep fighting the good fight!